Back in October, I wrote that I had never been to a homeschool convention. Well as of April 20, that has changed. My wife and I, along with our two oldest children went to the Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention, and wow what a great time it was!
Two things we didn’t know (but figured out real quick) was that with multiple speakers speaking at the same time (in different rooms), sometimes it was hard to choose which one to hear. So, sometimes we both attended a session and other times my wife and I split up so and agreed to share our notes later.
We also didn’t plan for meals. I think next time we will pack some sandwiches. We had stayed at the Comfort Inn, which was only 1 mile away from the convention so it wasn’t too bad going to and from the room. And there were plenty of restaurants close by. But still, having that sandwich might have saved a bit on money and time!
It would be impossible for me to list everything I loved about the convention. But, here’s what would top the list:
- Jesus Christ was the central theme of the convention. (This was a Christian event).
- The speakers all had well thought out topics. They spoke truth and encouragement.
- I was challenged and learned a lot.
Here’s some of my favorite quotes and takeaways:
Submit to the authority of God’s Word (see James 4:7). You may read it, study it, even have respect for it, but are you submitted? Steve Scheibner on the subject of “Second Mile Leadership: The 9 Essential Practices of Character”
Learn to be encouragers (those who inspire courage) rather than discourage (take away courage)! – Israel Wayne “The Power of Affirmation (to Motivate Reluctant Students”
Academics cannot be the god of our Homeschool. We must not neglect the hearts of our children! – Jeannie Fulbright
“Tis better for God to approve than the world applaud.” -Robin Heltzer.
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23). Purity is about the condition of the heart. – Jennie Bishop speaking on “Raising Pure Boys in a Dirty World.”
“The best education comes from the one who cares the most.” Israel Wayne“What About Socialization?”
God has called us to lead our families. Recognize it and lead or don’t and suffer the consequences. -Mike Donnelly, HSLDA.
“No subject is religiously neutral. Education begins with either the idea that God exists or the He does not exist.” Israel Wayne on “Education: Does God Have An Opinion.”
I have pages and pages of notes. I was challenged as well as encouraged to be a better dad, husband, and teacher as we devote our lives to serve the Lord and be obedient to His Word.
Lord willing, we will be going to the convention next year. This may have been our first, but I pray it won’t be our last!