I recently received a phone call from a brother from another church who wanted to complain about his pastor’s preaching style. This was shocking to me because he went so far as to say the church needed a new pastor. There was no charge of heresy or sin; he just simply didn’t like his style. I could have simply “let him vent” or “scratched his itching ears,” (2 Timothy 4) but I didn’t. There were many things I could have said to him, but I said the first thing that came to mind, and I hope it helped…
I told him that if you’re looking to criticize a pastor, you’ll find reasons to do so (we are human after all), but remember that the only perfect Pastor who ever lived died on the cross for your sins 2,000 years ago.
That certainly changed the conversation. If we were more Christ-centered in our conversations, we’d be a lot better off!
That man who called me on the phone was not looking for a pastor who pleases the Lord. He is looking for one who pleases men. His complaint was only about personal preference but he escalated to the level of wanting a new pastor. That’s very dangerous. (See Galatians 1:10).
He doesn’t need a new pastor, he needs to pray for the one the Lord gave him. (Ephesians 4:11-16)
As we enter into a new year let us consider these things. I am blessed to know many pastors and churches around this world and I’m praying for all y’all. May we never put tradition above the truth, or hold a preference over a pastor. And may God always get the glory in all we do!