“Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.” (Psalms 146:3, KJV)
Just about any body could probably do a better job than Biden. Any honest American knows we were better off under the Trump administration than we have been since Biden came to power.
We as Christians need to look at this from a Biblical perspective. We are in a post Christian culture. This is not the America we grew up in and both major political parties have shifted to the left. We have got to be grounded in the Word of God or we will shift right along with them.
I believe we are free to vote for the best candidate we can. We have got to be level headed here. Voting is a freedom I am thankful for, but Trump is not your Savior. To take a Biblical prophesy about Jesus and apply it to Trump is poor hermeneutics at best, blasphemy at worst.
In my opinion, and it is an opinion, we should vote for the best we can at the national level but our main focus should always be on the state level. That’s where the bigger fights are happening and will happen under our constitution.
Case in point: When Roe v Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court, what was the “right” doing? Rejoicing. What was the “left” doing? Setting up laws in states that many times were worse than the original Roe decision. They understood that abortion was not banned, the court simply sent it back to the states which is where it was before Roe v Wade decision. This was a constitutional decision to send it to the states but more ground was lost than was gained because the left moved faster than the right. Let us learn something from this.
God sometimes uses unsaved rulers to help his people such as Cyrus, Thomas Jefferson, etc. Maybe God has a plan to use President Trump in some fashion. I don’t pretend to know the secret will of God such as why Trump’s life was spared the other day. But i do know God’s revealed will and it is clear no man needs Christians telling him he is the Savior. We have been commissioned to tell the world about the Savior, Jesus Christ!
Our hope is not in the White House or in this Republic for that matter. Our hope is in Jesus! That’s what the people need.
I love America and I’m thankful for the good things the 45th president did and at this point I am planning to vote for him again. But the bottom line, with or without President Trump, and even if the Republic falls our hope is in the Lord. He will never fail!
“It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.” (Psalms 118:9, KJV)