Well, the G3 2023 Conference is over. My wife, myself, and our three children had a FANTASTIC time. It was such a blessing! We stayed with some friends of ours (Brother Lewis Kiger and his wife, and Brother Todd Bryant and his wife). The nine of us rented a house near Atlanta and enjoyed the conference along with some good fellowship.
The theme of the conference this year was “The Sovereignty of God” and the sermons were all excellent. The assigned subjects were well thought out and the preachers all did a great job. I didn’t hear a sermon that couldn’t have been preached at the church I pastor. Here they are, and as they are released online I will link them here:

The Unquestionable Sovereignty of God
Josh Buice
The Sovereignty of God and Perseverance of the Saints
Owen Strachan
Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Phil Johnson
The Lord Reigns
Steven Lawson
God’s Sovereign Election
James Coates
God’s Sovereignty over Time
James White
Plenary Q&A
Scott Aniol, Voddie Baucham, Josh Buice, James Coates, Phil Johnson, Steven Lawson, Mike Riccardi, Owen Strachan, Virgil Walker (moderator), Paul Washer, James White
The Sovereignty of God and the Sanctity of Marriage
Voddie Baucham
The Sovereignty of God and Missions
Paul Washer
The Sovereignty of God in Creation
Ken Ham
Propitiation for His People: Sovereignty of God and Definite Atonement
Mike Riccardi
Our Sovereign God
Steven Lawson
There were also some breakout sessions. Sadly I did not get to attend all of these, but Lord willing, they will be posted online as well. If I had one suggestion for the next conference, it would be to try to have the breakout sessions in bigger rooms maybe.

“God’s Sovereignty in Wokeness”
Just Thinking Podcast Live – Darrell Harrison & Virgil Walker
“Teaching Children the Sovereignty of God (Daniel 4)”
Scott Brown
“God’s Shocking Answer to the Gender Crisis”
Chris Meuller
“How Does God Govern the World by His Providence?”
Carl Hargrove
“A Word to Prospective Missionaries”
Paul Washer
“G3 Church Network Panel Discussion”
Q&A G3 Church Network
“Do We Preach Christ from Every Text? A Critique of Christocentric Preaching”
Tom Buck
“Godly Women Remain Faithful in Suffering (1 Peter 3:8–17)”
Erin Coates

“Homeschool Roadmap: The Guiding Biblical Principles for a Successful K–12 Journey”
Becky Aniol
“War Songs of the King of Kings”
Scott Aniol
“False Teachers and the Sovereignty of God”
Justin Peters
“Trusting our Sovereign God in Your Suffering”
Harry Walls
“Why the Name of Yahweh Matters”
Nathan Busenitz
“Why Expository Preaching Lost its Prophetic Voice & How to Reclaim It”
Chip Thornton
“The Need for Modesty, Femininity, and Submission Among Christian Women”
Susan Heck

For lunch each day, we ate sandwiches together. For the evening meals, we ate out somewhere. On Friday night there was a bomb threat and they had to evacuate the building, but we were already gone for that day and thankfully nobody was harmed and the authorities caught the suspect.
There were vendors at the conference selling and giving away books – excellent publishers such as Banner of Truth, BJU Press, Church and Family Life, Reformation Heritage Books, Particular Baptist Heritage Books, Founders Press, etc. There were also ministries present there with booths including Answers in Genesis, SermonAudio, Baptist Faith Missions, HeartCry, etc. It was hard to find time to visit everyone and spend time with all these excellent ministries and publishers in between the sermons but we sure tried!
With 8,300 people in attendance with such good preaching, and all the vast materials and ministries represented there it was all very encouraging….a good reminder that “we” aren’t alone, and there are “others” out there who love the truth too. While I am thankful for the church I pastor, it is good to know there are other saints who preach the truth and love the truth of God’s Word.
I am very appreciative of Brother Lewis Kiger and Brother Todd Bryant who encouraged us to go, and Brother Josh Buice and the Prays Mill Baptist Church/ G3 Ministries for hosting the Conference. They did a great job. I can’t say it enough, this was a great conference. It was a blessing to meet new brothers and sisters that I had never seen before, and see some I had not seen in a long time. I took a lot more pictures, but those are on my Facebook page. If we’re not “friends” there, send me a request. There are other stories to tell, but I’ll save those for future posts.